Reporting A Horse Riding Accident

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Reporting A Horse Riding Accident

The British Horse Society (BHS) are there to ensure that every horse and horse rider in the UK are safe whether it be riding on roads, bridleways or the open countryside.

THE BHS have an impressive track record when it comes to safety and promoting the safety of horse riders.  They improve safety for the 3.5 million frequent horse riders and 1 million horses in the UK as a result of lobbying government, collecting data, offering advice and offering education.

Did you know that in the 12 month period from April 2011 to March 2012, over 4,000 horse riders and carriage drivers went to hospital because of a horse riding accident?

How do you report a Horse Riding Accident?

There are a variety of different types of horse riding accidents.  To many just a few types, you could:

  • Be involved in an accident with a car
  • Fall from your horse whilst riding
  • Be thrown from a horse during a lesson

If you have an accident with a car simply swap details with the driver and get witness details to support your version of events.  If you are thrown from a horse during a lesson you should make sure that the accident is put in to the Stables’ Accident Book so that they have a detailed record.

No matter what the type of horse riding accident, you should then also report it on which is the BHS’ Reporting of Equestrian Related Incidents website.

So far they have received nearly 3,000 reports of horse riding accidents but are always keen to hear about more so they can keep an accurate record.

Had a Horse Riding Accident?  Chat to our No Win No Fee Solicitors on freephone 0800 652 0586.

100% of our horse riding accident compensation claims are made on a No Win No Fee basis which means that you do not have to worry about any financial risk at all as if your horse riding accident claim is unsuccessful it will not cost you anything.

We have helped lots of clients who have had horse riding accidents.  For just one example, refer to this Horse Riding Accident Case Study about a client who was thrown from a horse whilst have a lesson.

Meeting Us

We are able to give you immediate legal representation, rehabilitation and treatment no matter where you are in England, Scotland or Wales. We also provide urgent:

  • Home visits
  • Hospital visits for those who are unable to meet us at home
  • Face to face meeting at one of our private meeting rooms based in most UK cities

because……if you don’t ask you’ll never know!