Evidence Needed for Food Poisoning Claims

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Evidence Needed for Food Poisoning Claims


  • Had a take away which has given you food poisoning?
  • Eaten at a restaurant which has given you food poisoning?
  • Been ill after eating food from a supermarket?

If you have suffered food poisoning follow the tips below to make sure you have the best chance of making a successful Food Poisoning Claim for food poisoning compensation.

What should you do after Food Poisoning?

  1. If you have any of the food in question left keep it in a sealed bag and freeze it hygienically
  2. Report the food poisoning to the place where the food was from as soon as possible and ask for the person’s name who you speak to
  3. Keep the receipt confirming payment for the food/meal
  4. Obtain a copy of your Bank Statement confirming payment if you paid by debit or credit card
  5. Obtain a copy of your itemised phone bill to show the phone call ordering the food highlighting the relevant phone number
  6. Obtain a copy of your itemised phone bill to show the phone call reporting the food poisoning again highlighting the relevant phone number
  7. Consult your GP as soon as possible and ask for tests to show what type of bacteria caused the food poisoning
  8. Keep a daily diary outlining the symptoms you have no matter how minor so you can be accurate about how long you suffered for, how badly, what symptoms, etc

What do the specialists say about Making a Food Poisoning Claim?

David Healey from Carter & Carter Solicitors commented:

“To make a food poisoning claim it is important to have as much evidence as possible as in the past, we have found the business in question may try and deny it was them and/or that if it was them there was nothing wrong with the food and they had no other complaints.  Each meal is totally separate so just because no-one else was taken ill doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a problem with the food.  Just because you haven’t got the information suggested above, it doesn’t mean that you cant make a compensation claim, if in doubt get in touch.”

100% No Win No Fee Food Poisoning Claim

To make a Food Poisoning Claim get in touch with our No Win No Fee Solicitors on freephone 0800 652 0586 or click the “Free Enquiry” button for an immediate call back.

A No Win No Fee Solicitor will speak to you immediately, take the necessary information and tell you there and then whether your No Win No Fee claim is likely to be successful.

100% of our Food Poisoning Claims are made on a No Win No Fee basis which means that you do not have to worry about any financial risk at all as if your claim is unsuccessful it will not cost you anything.