Fatal Accidents at Work Statistics 2013

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Fatal Accidents at Work Statistics 2013

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has released it’s latest quarterly figures from 1st April to 30th June 2013 outlining Fatal Accidents reportable under The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).

The figures do not include all accident at work fatalities as some do not fall under RIDDOR’s reporting requirements but are reportable under other regulations. The exclusions include:

  1. Fatal accidents involving workers involved in road traffic accidents on public roads
  2. Fatal accidents involving workers travelling by air or sea
  3. Fatal injuries at work due to ‘natural causes’ such as heart attacks or strokes (unless brought on by trauma due to an accident)
  4. Accidents to members of the armed forces

The Number of Fatal Accidents from 1st April to 30th June 2013

  • Services – 34
  • Agriculture – 10
  • Construction – 6
  • Manufacturing – 5
  • Water Supply/Sewage – 2

Work Related Fatal Accidents Facts

  • Two-thirds of accident at work fatalities were caused by falls from height; being struck by a moving object; being trapped by a collapsing structure; and being struck by a vehicle
  • Electricity, fire, explosion or drowning/asphyxiation accidents accounted for one in seven fatalities to workers
  • Falls and slips & trips made up more than 50% of all reported major injuries
  • Handling injuries are the most commonly reported
  • An estimated 2 million working days were lost due to handling injuries and slips & trips

What Do The Specialists Say about Fatal Accidents?

David Healey from Carter & Carter Solicitors in Stockport commented on these figures earlier today:

“These newly released Fatal Accident figures suggest that the number of fatal accidents at work are still quite significant despite the amount of regulation surrounding Health & Safety in British business.  We are specialists in dealing with fatal accident compensation and despite the total numbers seeming relatively low, the consequences are far-reaching.”

We can help with Fatal Accidents

David Healey at Carter & Carter Solicitors is very experienced in handling Fatal Accident Claims as well as accident compensation claims relating to all types of serious injury and is a specialist dealing with accident compensation claims involving fatalities, catastrophic injuries and amputations.

Get in touch now about Fatal Accidents

If you think that you have a case, would like to have a chat about a potential claim or require further information, contact David Healey.

Our Free phone number is 0800 652 0586 

My Direct Dial is 01663 761 892 


Email me on [email protected]