Fatal Accidents on roads fall to all time low

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Fatal Accidents on roads fall to all time low

Statistics from the Department for Transport (DfT) in relation to fatal accidents suggest that the number of people killed on Britain’s roads in 2012 fell to the lowest level since records began in 1926.

Where are the Statistics for fatal accidents?

The statistics for fatal accidents are contained in the DfT publication, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/reported-road-casualties-in-great-britain-main-results-2012.

What does the DfT report on fatal accidents show?

2011 Stats

Total Police Reported Collisions – 151,393

Adult Fatalities – 1,901

Adult serious injuries – 23,122

Police Reported casualties – 203,551

Cyclists fatalities – 107

Child Fatalities & Serious Injury – 2,412

2012 Stats

Total Police Reported Collisions – 145,571

Adult Fatalities – 1,754

Adult Serious injuries – 23,039

Police Reported casualties – 195,723

Cyclists fatalities – 118

Child Fatalities & Serious Injury – 2,272

The Institute of Advanced Motorists comment about fatal accidents

Neil Greig, the director of policy and research for the IAM, said:

“IAM welcomes a return to the long-term improvements in road safety that the UK has been rightly recognised for.  Last year was a clear warning for government that complacency in road safety cost lives.  The IAM has always warned that failing to match investment in segregated facilities with the growing numbers of cyclists would lead to an increase in death and serious injury and this worrying trend continues.  A 10% increase in cycling deaths in a year when the weather suppressed cycling trips is a real red danger signal that simply cannot be ignored.”

What Do The Specialists Say about fatal accidents?

David Healey from Carter & Carter Solicitors in Stockport commented on this issue earlier today:

“Whilst these newly released fatal accidents figures suggest that the number of accidents are decreasing it is well known that the number of fatal accidents which occur is far higher than the number of accidents which are actually reported to the Police.  This is probably rather fortunate given how stretched the Police are dealing with ever increasing paperwork.”

Do You Want To Know More about fatal accidents?

If you want to find out more about fatal accidents, please contact us.  We deal with all types of accidents from fatal accidents at work to public liability compensation claims and no query is too small.

What To Do Now

If you want to speak to a Specialist Fatal Accident Solicitor, please feel free to contact us on:

EMAIL: [email protected]

TEL: 01663 761 892