Finger Nails Ruined by Manicure?

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Finger Nails Ruined by Manicure?

Has your Manicure gone wrong?

Have Manicures ruined your Nails?

Did you visit a Budget Salon?

It would not occur to most people when visiting a Manicure Salon to ask what chemical glue they use for Manicures.  Sadly, with competition high, some budget Salons are using cheap but powerful chemicals which can irreparably damage your nails as well as cause serious allergic reactions.

The chemical in question is called Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) and is so strong and poisonous that it has already been banned in America, the compensation culture capital.  Despite the UK being Health & Safety mad, methyl methacrylate is not banned here.

Chat to our No Win No Fee Solicitors on freephone 0800 652 0586.

What is Methyl Methacrylate (MMA)

Methyl Methacrylate is a chemical used in the manufacture of resins and plastics.  Methyl Methacrylate based glue is so powerful it can support 2-3kgs and is even used in the production of concrete and as cement in joint replacements.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) list a number of side effects if it comes into contact with humans.  A full list is on the EPA website and we have listed some here:

  • Irritating to the skin and eyes
  • Allergic reactions
  • Chest tightness
  • Dyspnea
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Neurological symptoms
  • Fetal abnormalities

100% of our manicure compensation claims are made on a No Win No Fee basis which means that you do not have to worry about any financial risk at all as if your manicure compensation claim is unsuccessful it will not cost you anything.

Watch the BBC East Midlands documentary Inside Out: How Safe Is Your Manicure?

The Inside Out: How Safe Is Your Manicure documentary claims that many Salons lie about using Methyl Methacrylate.  They used secret filming and lab analysis to test various Salons in the East Midlands and shockingly they found that 8 of the 9 salons tested used Methyl Methacrylate.

Amber Varnham,a a nail technician from Leicestershire believes that problems with Methyl Methacrylate are fairly commonplace.  She said:

‘I’m seeing lots of these cases, it’s particularly a problem in budget salons. It could pop the nail plate off the nail bed, plus cause serious damage to the nail.  There’s no purpose for it as we have the correct products for use.”

Chat to our No Win No Fee Solicitors on freephone 0800 652 0586.

Manicure Case Study

Tracey Harrod, a hairdresser, has had acrylic nail extensions for over 10 years. Unfortunately, trips to cheaper salons has left her wishing she had gone elsewhere.  She said:

“They looked beautiful but my nails had suffered underneath. I had no idea they were using something on my nails they shouldn’t have been.”

British Association of Dermatologists

Dr David Orton of the British Association of Dermatologists said:

“The allergies can cause problems in the skin around the nail – ectopic sites, problems with tingling and exacerbation of people’s asthma.  There has to be greater regulation within the nail industry, greater education for those in the industry using these chemicals and their clients need to know of these dangers too.”

Chat to our No Win No Fee Solicitors on freephone 0800 652 0586.

Meeting Us

We are able to give you immediate legal representation, rehabilitation and treatment no matter where you are in England, Scotland or Wales. We also provide urgent:

  • Home visits
  • Hospital visits for those who are unable to meet us at home
  • Face to face meeting at one of our private meeting rooms based in most UK cities

because……if you don’t ask you’ll never know!