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Headway – Road safety campaign for bicycle helmets


Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and Headway, the brain injury charity are campaigning to get more people wearing cycling helmets.

What has sparked the Campaign?

Tara Rayment’s 10-year old son Kai was tragically killed while riding his bike.  He was hit by a bin lorry near his Lincoln home in August 2006.

What has Kai’s mum said?

Tara Rayment said:

“It is so easy for an accident to happen but putting a helmet on can make a big difference to the outcome.  I think this new campaign is a good thing and hopefully, people will take notice.  We were told that people cannot be forced to wear a helmet – the Government did not want to step in and make it compulsory because it would stop people from cycling.”

“I was hoping that manufacturers would supply them free with new bikes but the 15 percent discount from Halfords is good.  It is so easy for an accident to happen but putting a helmet on can make a big difference.”

“I often see parents cycling with kids and the kids wear helmets but the parents don’t.  If you start children off wearing helmets really young – as soon as they are on any sort of wheels – it becomes second nature and they don’t think twice about putting a helmet on.”

Road safety spokesman

John Siddle said:

“While we have traditionally talked about the visibility of cycle users, we rarely address the problem of cycle helmets.  Many of those that wear cycle helmets do so because they have had that ‘near miss.’  Many are not so lucky and either die or suffer a significant injury.”

What do the specialists say?

Wearing a cycling helmet is absolutely crucial no matter what your age.  A cycling helmet is just as important as wearing a ski helmet even though people generally travel a lot faster whilst skiing.  All it takes is a bad landing on the road, pavement or kerbstone and without a helmet on you could be left with permanent injuries, all because of a £20 cycling helmet.  If you are knocked from your bicycle due to someone else’s negligence you could lose a portion of your accident claim compensation if you weren’t wearing a helmet at the time.

Where can you get a helmet from?

Halfords is currently offering 15% off safety helmets.  Or try:
