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Middle Lane Hogs Face £100 On The Spot Fines


The Government is to announce a crackdown on anti-social motoring.  Motorists who hog the middle lane or tailgate other drivers will face spot fines of £100 and 3 points on their driving licence.

What could drivers be fined for?

  • Middle lane hogging
  • Tailgating
  • Not giving way at a junction
  • Using the wrong lane at a roundabout
  • Using the wrong lane at traffic lights


What’s the difference from the old law?

Until now these driving issues have generally gone unpunished because of the paperwork involved in prosecuting a case.  A driver had to be stopped by a police officer, a Court summons would then be issued and the case would proceed to Trial.

What has the Government said?

Transport minister Stephen Hammond said:

“Careless drivers are a menace and their negligence puts innocent people’s lives at risk.  That is why we are making it easier for the police to tackle problem drivers by allowing them to immediately issue a fixed penalty notice rather than needing to take every offender to court.  We are also increasing penalties for a range of driving offences to a level which reflects their seriousness and which will ensure that they are consistent with other similar penalty offences.”

What has the AA said?

AA president Edmund King said:

“An increase in the standard motoring fixed penalty fine will help deter those who commit motoring offences including mobile phone use.  We are also pleased to see that at long last new powers and fines will be given to the police to tackle the top three pet hates of drivers – tailgaters, mobile phone abusers and middle lane hogs.”

What Do The Specialists Say?

Carter & Carter’s serious injury lawyers act for innocent victims who have suffered life-changing injuries as a result of road accidents.  David Healey, a specialist in road traffic collision injuries said:

“These new powers should help reduce the amount of plainly dangerous driving on our roads.  Everybody at one time has had a driver tailgating them, using aggressive techniques to try and force the car in front to move aside.  Likewise, drivers who hog the middle lane cause havoc around as other drivers are often tempted to undertake in the inside lane.”