Santander Mis Sold Investments

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Santander Mis Sold Investments

Santander has an unfortunate history in relation to offering unsuitable investment advice and was fined £12.5 million back in 2014 by the City Regulator. People were offered products that were inappropriate and the bank had been making recommendations which were at odds with customers financial circumstances.

100% of our Santander Mis Sold Investments are No Win No Fee. Call us now on 01663 761 892 or complete our Free Online Enquiry by clicking the orange button below.

What Investment Products were Mis sold?

The Mis Sold investments centred on structured investments,  investment bonds and bespoke service known as “Premium Investments” which provided a monitoring service of the customers funds and a rebalance  of their portfolio where necessary.

Conclusions Arrived at by the City Regulator?

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) who carried out the investigation concluded that Santander had failed to implement proper risk assessments and also did not carry out regular investment checks to ensure that the investments were meeting the customers needs.

Santander agreed to write to all the customers affected in an effort to restore trust and confidence in their service. However  it seems there is potential for a number of  Santander customers have been Mis Sold Investments and suffered detriment as a consequence.

Santander Mis Sold Investments – Have you a Claim?

There are a number of ways in which you may have been mis sold an investment which could include:

  • A failure to inquire about your views in relation to financial risk as well as your investment objectives;
  • A failure to review and keep you regularly advised of the investment’s performance;
  • A failure to properly advise you of the pros and cons of the recommended investment product;
  • A failure to take on board your (lack of) investment experience;
  • A failure to provide you with a sufficient range of investment alternatives.

What Next?

If you think you may have a Santander Mis Sold Investment (or any other type of Mid Sold Investment) then we can Help and Advise you.

We are experienced Mis Sold investment Solicitors and specialise in dealing with bad investment advice and claiming investment compensation.   We will run your claim against Santander or the responsible professional to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of bad investment compensation.

100% of our Mis Sold Investments clients are funded by a No Win No Fee Agreement meaning you are at no financial risk at all.

Get in touch now for a free chat on 01663 761 892 and ask for David Healey or complete our Free Online Enquiry by clicking the orange button below.

because……if you don’t ask you’ll never know!