What Are The Most Dangerous Jobs in the UK?
Thousands of people are injured at work every year in the UK despite Employers taking steps to keep their employees safe. If you are injured at work you may be entitled to make an accident at work compensation claim. We are accident at work compensation lawyers who specialise in accident at work claims.
Every year in Britain at least 200,000 are injured at work. Some jobs are very hazardous but employees do get injured in jobs which the vast majority of us would consider safe.
What are the UK’s most dangerous jobs?
- Fisherman
- Bomb Disposal or Mine Clearance Expert
- Oil or Gas Rigger
- Construction Workers
- Lorry and Commercial Drivers
- Deep-sea Diver
- War Zone Security Guard
And America’s most dangerous jobs?
- Fisherman
- Loggers
- Pilots
- Farmers and Ranchers
- Police Officers
- Construction Workers
- Firefighters
Australia’s most dangerous jobs?
- Commercial fisherman
- Miner
- Road train drivers
- Construction workers
- Oil and gas driller
- Farmers and ranchers
It seems that being a fisherman is the most dangerous job in the world, something to bear in mind when you’re looking for your next job!
What Do The Specialists Say?
David Healey from Carter & Carter Solicitors in Stockport:
“Employers have a duty to keep their Employees “reasonably” safe at work. What “reasonably” means is however open to debate and what is reasonable in one company may be not be reasonable in another. If you’ve been injured at work and want to know your rights feel free to get in touch”
Do You Want To Know More?
If you do want to speak to a Specialist Solicitor, please feel free to contact us on:
EMAIL: [email protected]
TEL: 0800 652 0586