Needle Stick Injury and HIV- What Are the Risks?
What is the risk of being contaminated with HIV following a Needle stick Injury? Are there any factors which might increase the chances of being infected with HIV and if so what are these?
What is the risk of being contaminated with HIV following a Needle stick Injury? Are there any factors which might increase the chances of being infected with HIV and if so what are these?
The real dangers of needle stick injuries are highlighted by the transmission of Ebola to health workers through Needle Stick Injury Accidents. But what can doctors do in these extreme circumstances to fight the Ebola virus and what lessons can be learned following a needle stick injury?
A trainee nurse has been awarded £75,000 compensation by the NHS arising out of Needle Stick Injury Claim which she brought following her injury at work. This story tragically illustrates how serious psychological injuries can follow what many might consider is a trivial injury. It has been reported that following the Needle Stick Injury the lady […]
Needlestick Injury claim – Studies have shown that Needle Stick Injuries can have long lasting consequences caused by fear and worry. How can these effects be minimised? What you should do before settling your Needle Stick Injury claim?