Fatal horse accident
If a horse runs into the road and crashes with a car can you still make a claim?
If a horse runs into the road and crashes with a car can you still make a claim?
It can be complicated to make a secondary victim claim so call us now for expert advice if you believe you may be entitled to make a secondary victim claim
serious injury claims can occur as a result of coach and bus accidents due to the issues with seat belts and whether passengers wear them
Leg Injuries Claims can happen at anytime so it is crucial to be extra aware of motorbikes
Fatal Accidents are down in number according to statistics but what is the reason for this?
BMW N47 timing chains are leaving drivers with huge bills to repair and even replace their engine… BMW claim they are not to blame…
Have you been involved in a car accident and need to make a car accident claim
Middle lane hoggers, tailgaters, people cutting you up… new powers could see all these driving moves result in a fine…
Rural roads are far more dangerous than urban roads for younger drivers… a recent survey casts light on this issue…
The number of uninsured drivers increases year on year… have you been injured by someone who was uninsured?