100% of our abuse compensation claims are made on a No Win No Fee basis which means that you do not have to worry about any financial risk at all as if your abuse compensation claim is unsuccessful it will not cost you anything.
Getting Started – the Abuse Claims Process
The 1st step is to contact our Abuse Claims Solicitors who have specialist expertise dealing with sexual and physical abuse claims. If you are looking for justice or just advice, speak in complete confidence to an Abuse Claim Lawyer now, freephone 0800 652 0586 or click the “Free Enquiry” button for an immediate call back.
If you have been the victim of sexual or physical abuse, we will recommend that you report it to the Police (Telephone 101) if you have not done so already. The Police have specially trained officers who will support you and offer advice whilst the criminal process is going on.
If the criminal court proceedings result in a conviction, this can add weight to your abuse compensation claim but a criminal conviction is not essential to have a successful sexual and physical abuse claim.
What We Do
We provide free, confidential advice to the victims of sexual and physical abuse whether the abuse occurred as a child or adult and we handle all sexual and physical abuse claims with sensitivity and understanding.
We understand just how difficult it is to find the strength to talk about sexual or physical abuse and how traumatic it is to reflect on and discuss what happened, possibly many, many years ago. We will make sure that you feel completely safe throughout the entire abuse claims process.
During our first confidential discussion, we will take some background information about what has happened, discuss making your claim on a 100% No Win No Fee basis and then advise on how we can proceed forward to build your abuse claim.
As the Sexual & Physical abuse Claim progresses, we will seek expert medical evidence in support of your physical and psychological injuries as each case varies in suffering.
What We Claim For
We will seek abuse compensation for the following:
- Physical injuries caused by sexual assault
- Injuries caused by physical assault
- Psychological or psychiatric injuries suffered due to the abuse
- Treatment and Therapy costs
- Loss of earnings
Our Goal
Our goal is to secure you the maximum amount of compensation without you having to go to Court to give evidence. We appreciate that many victims of sexual & physical abuse do not want to go to Court but in the vast majority of cases, physical and sexual abuse claims settle before going anywhere near a Court. In the few cases which do reach a Court hearing, rest assured that we will maintain confidentiality and anonymity throughout.
Meeting Us
If you have been the victim of sexual or physical abuse you should report it to the Police and then call us. We provide free, confidential advice to the victims of sexual and physical abuse whether the abuse occurred as a child or adult and we handle all sexual and physical abuse claims with sensitivity and understanding.
We are able to give you immediate 24 hour legal representation and rehabilitation no matter where you are in England, Scotland or Wales. We also provide urgent:
- Home visits
- Face to face meeting at one of our private meeting rooms based in most UK cities
If you are looking for justice or just advice and would like to speak in complete confidence to an Abuse Claim Lawyer, freephone 0800 652 0586 or click the “Free Enquiry” button for an immediate call back.
Carter & Carter Solicitors
Hear a few words from one of our happy clients
“Mr Adams was injured after he was electrocuted whilst working as an Electrician. A number of Solicitors refused to act for him because they did not think he would win. We spoke to him, agreed to act on his behalf and contacted the Employer. Initially the Employer refused to accept they had done anything wrong but using our skill and expertise we convinced them that they were in the wrong and secured an admission of liability which resulted in Mr Adams receiving compensation.
Mr M Adams from Kent