Time Limit to Make a Claim

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100% of our abuse compensation claims are made on a No Win No Fee basis which means that you do not have to worry about any financial risk at all as if your abuse compensation claim is unsuccessful it will not cost you anything.

The Law

The Limitation Act 1980 details the time limits for making abuse compensation claims. In Sexual & Physical Abuse claims, the Act says you must make a claim within the following “Limitation Period”:

  • 3 years from the date of the abuse; or
  • By your 21st birthday if the abuse occurred when you were a child

It is a well documented fact that victims of sexual and physical abuse rarely report the abuse whilst they are still children due to fear for their safety or fear their families may find out.  Even though there are time limits for making an abuse claim, there are numerous circumstances when abuse claims can be made outside of the Limitation Period.

The Courts have lots of discretion under section 33(3) of the Limitation Act 1980 to disregard the Limitation Period which allows you to make an abuse claim even thought the relevant time period has passed.  If necessary, we will make an Application to the Court asking that the provisions of the Limitation Act are waived so that your abuse claim can proceed without any difficulty.

child abuse

Meeting Us

Our Abuse Claims Solicitors have specialist expertise dealing with sexual and physical abuse claims.  If you are looking for justice or just advice, speak in complete confidence to an Abuse Claim Lawyer now, freephone 0800 652 0586 or click the “Free Enquiry” button for an immediate call back.

If you have been the victim of sexual or physical abuse you should report it to the Police and then call us.  We provide free, confidential advice to the victims of sexual and physical abuse whether the abuse occurred as a child or adult and we handle all sexual and physical abuse claims with sensitivity and understanding.

We are able to give you immediate 24 hour legal representation and rehabilitation no matter where you are in England, Scotland or Wales. We also provide urgent:

  • Home visits
  • Face to face meeting at one of our private meeting rooms based in most UK cities

If you are looking for justice or just advice and would like to speak in complete confidence to an Abuse Claim Lawyer, freephone 0800 652 0586 or click the “Free Enquiry” button for an immediate call back.