Body Piercing Claims

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Specialists in Body Piercing Claims

Deciding to have a body piercing is a big decision to make and you will have taken a long time to consider whether or not to go ahead with it or not.

So if you have taken the huge decision to go ahead and have a  body piercing and things go wrong, it can be extremely upsetting.

We understand how you feel and we can help you to come to terms with what has happened and to discuss whether you would like to make a body piercing claim.

Body Piercing – What Can Go Wrong?

Many different parts of the body are able to be pierced now from the tummy, nose, ears, tongue and now even skin to name but a few!

Any business wanting to carry out ear piercing or cosmetic piercing must register with the local council as they are responsible for the regulation and monitoring of these businesses. There are no specifically approved training courses for body piercers though and the correct training may not have been done for the type of piercings they offer. Even more worrying is the fact from our experience many businesses have no insurance in place if things do go wrong!

Most body piercings are made with no adverse effects at all, but some of the issues you may experience after having a body piercing are:

  • Over cleaning
  • Infections
  • Migrations
  • Scarring
  • Boils and abscesses
  • Metal sensitivity and allergic reactions

Sometimes piercings can cause tongue, nose and ear infections. They can also cause irreparable damage. Infections can arise when needles and guns aren’t properly sterilised before use. In extreme cases it can cause blood poisoning and even death. Antibiotics may be prescribed where piercings become infected. Needless to say we are receiving more and more body piercing enquiries where things unfortunately have gone wrong.

 If you have experienced any of the problems above, you should talk to us today. We can help you to make a body piercing claim. You should seek medical advice if you have an infection or an abscess as a result of a body piercing.

Costs of making a Body Piercing Claim?

It won’t cost you anything to talk to us about your body piercing claim and for us to help you to decide if you are going to make a claim for body piercing compensation.

If you do decide to take your body piercing claim forward with us we’ll help you to achieve the best settlement possible using all our years within the personal injury sector.

If you lose your body piercing claim we won’t get paid, but even then we won’t ask you for any money so you know from the start that you won’t face a large legal bill.  We guarantee that if your claim is unsuccessful, you will pay ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Chat to our No Win No Fee Solicitors on freephone 0800 652 0586.

100% of our  Body Piercing Claims are made on a No Win No Fee basis which means that you do not have to worry about any financial risk at all as if your claim is unsuccessful it will not cost you anything.

Meeting Us

We are able to give you immediate legal representation, rehabilitation and treatment no matter where you are in England, Scotland or Wales. We also provide urgent:


  • Home visits
  • Hospital visits for those who are unable to meet us at home
  • Face to face meeting at one of our private meeting rooms based in most UK cities.




Contact Us Today

We’ll be happy to discuss your body piercing claim and assess the prospects of winning body piercing compensation.

 because……if you don’t ask you’ll never know!