The Main Problem: Cyclists are Exposed and Vulnerable
How ever careful a cyclist is when riding around on today’s roads the fact remains that cyclists are always at the mercy of other road users. When accidents happen, which unfortunately they invariably do, the Cyclist has no or very little protection and therefore the resulting injuries tend to be much more serious. It’s therefore easy to understand why Cycling Head Injury Claims are common.
Types of Head Injury and Symptoms?
The speed of impact is very often an influential factor in determining the seriousness of the cyclist’s head injury. It stands to reason that if the cyclist involved is cycling at speed or indeed the motorist is travelling quickly then the higher the chance of a severe head injury arising. Having said that we know from experience that even if the parties involved in the collision are travelling at a low speed there is always the chance of a serious head injury occurring.
- Following the accident the head injury, depending upon its seriousness, may well be responsible for concussion which is only a temporary loss of mental capacity, usually around 6 to 9 months. The concussion in turn can lead to a range of symptoms including memory loss, dizziness and disorientation as well as confusion, slurred speech and tinnitus. Symptoms need to be monitored and carefully managed with appropriate rehabilitation put in place to facilitate the best recovery.
- Clearly if the Cycling Accident does involve a serious head injury then it’s usual for blood clots to form together with internal bleeding and a build up of fluid. These symptoms can put significant pressure on the brain and as the skull occupies a fixed space and there is nowhere for the pressure to be released, damage can occur when the soft brain is pushed against the hard walls of the skull. It is important therefore that the pressure in the brain is monitored very carefully by the doctors in an effort to keep the pressure down and within acceptable limits.
- Naturally, brain damage can have a much more serious, long lasting and devastating impact than other cycling injuries. Depending upon the severity of the injury it may well be unrealistic to expect any return to work and a return to the same pre-accident lifestyle. There will be many challenges ahead and often the head injury will have a lasting legacy leaving the injured cyclist struggling with the consequences. It is therefore so important that the injured cyclist is given the best possible rehabilitative care so that they are able to re-build their life and as far as possible move forwards.
How Long for Recovery following a Cycling Head Injury?
The answer very much depends upon a whole range of factors but the conventional approach is to say that there is always room for improvement up to the first two years following the head injury. After that time it is generally accepted there will be a plateau although that is not to say in certain circumstances improvements can be made beyond this time and indeed for several years there may still be potential for improvement.
Nevertheless it is generally the case that the most improvement from a cycling head injury will take place in the first 6 months following the accident and beyond that time progress tends to be much slower and less pronounced.
How to Find the Right Solicitor for Your Cycling Head Injury Claim?
Not only is it very important that you receive the right sort of Help to combat the effects of your Cycling Head Injury Claim but we hope you also agree that you need to instruct the right solicitor who knows all about Cycling Head Injury Claims and how best to present your claim and protect your best interests.
Call us now, Free, on 0800 652 0586 – you’ll be very pleased you did!
Because if You don’t ask You’ll never know……

Carter & Carter Solicitors
Hear a few words from one of our happy clients
“We helped Mr Thornton pursue a claim arising out of him being knocked off his bicycle when he was established upon a roundabout. Our client was badly injured and was off work for a long time as a consequence. We managed to press the drivers insurers again and again for improved offers of compensation and were not prepared to go away for anything but the right amount. Mr Thornton was delighted with the outcome and told us: "I was very happy with the service I received. Thank you for helping me with my case."
Cycling Accident Claim brought by Mr Wayne Thornton