Evidence For A Holiday Food Poisoning Claim

Home > Claiming Compensation > Personal Injury > Holiday Illness Claims > Evidence For A Holiday Food Poisoning Claim

To make a Holiday Food Poisoning claim, get in touch with our No Win No Fee Solicitors on freephone 0800 652 0586 or click the “Free Enquiry” button for an immediate call back.

No Win No Fee Solicitor will speak to you immediately, take the necessary information and tell you there and then whether your No Win No Fee claim is likely to be successful.

No Win No Fee Holiday Food Poisoning Claim

100% of our Holiday Food Poisoning Claims are made on a No Win No Fee basis which means that you do not have to worry about any financial risk at all as if your claim is unsuccessful it will not cost you anything. We have won significant compensation for clients who have suffered from Holiday Food Poisoning in the UK and abroad.

To give you the best possible chance of a successful Holiday Food Poisoning claim, follow these simple steps so that you have the evidence you need to make your claim successful.  If you have not been able to complete all the stages do not worry as one of our No Win No Fee Solicitors will speak to you for free and discuss your case.


Holiday Food Poisoning claim

1 – Report the Incident

Speak to your Tour Operator face to face at the Hotel or if that is not possible, telephone them to report your problems as soon as possible so they have a record of your Holiday Food Poisoning.  You should also report the problems you’ve had to the Reception at the Hotel making a note of the date and time as well as the name of the staff member you speak to.  If you cannot physically report it yourself, have a family member or friend report it as soon as possible and keep reporting it if symptoms persist.

2 – Photographs

As they say, photographs speak a thousand words so a fantastic way to support your claim is with lots of photos.  Take as many photos as you can of anything which concerns you.  These could include photographs of:

  • Poor conditions in the Hotel or resort
  • Undercooked food
  • Unrefrigerated food
  • Uncovered food
  • Dirty surfaces
  • Dirty tables, eating areas and restaurants
  • Dirty toilets
  • Dirty Pool
  • Dirty Sunbeds
  • Dirty bedroom linen, bathroom, bath, etc

3 – Keep hold of important documents

Your Holiday Food Poisoningclaim will be helped if you keep important information.  If you’re not sure if something is important, keep it anyway.  Examples could include:

  • Contact details for other guests affected by illness in your hotel
  • Holiday booking documents
  • Receipts or booking documents for excursions missed
  • Receipts for treatment
  • Receipts formedication
  • Hospital records
  • X-rays
  • Keep your medication packets
  • Keep a daily diary of how your symptoms progressed during the holiday


Holiday Food Poisoning Claim

4 – GP appointment when you arrive home

This is without doubt the most crucial tip.  It is essential that you arrange to consult with your GP as soon as you get home even if your symptoms have subsided. This GP appointment ensures that you:

  • Receive the appropriate treatment
  • Obtain a diagnosis of the illness
  • Have a dated entry in your GP records

5 – Ask your GP to take a stool (poo) sample

This is also important as traces of the bacteria can be found in your faeces which will help your GP give a diagnosis and confirm the illness which you have contracted.

Chat to our No Win No Fee Solicitors on freephone number 0800 652 0586.

Expertise and Understanding from Carter & Carter Solicitors

We are able to give you immediate legal representation, rehabilitation and treatment no matter where you are in England, Scotland or Wales. We also provide urgent:

  • Home visits
  • Hospital visits for those who are unable to meet us at home
  • Face to face meeting at one of our private meeting rooms based in most UK cities including Bath, Birmingham, Bolton, Brighton, Bristol, Bury, Cambridge, Canterbury, Cardiff, Carlisle, Chester, Durham, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Halifax, Hereford, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Oxford, Preston, Sheffield, Sunderland, Truro and Wolverhampton.

Chat to our No Win No Fee Solicitors on freephone number 0800 652 0586

If you think that you have a Holiday Food Poisoning claim, would like to have a chat about a potential claim or require further information, contact us now.

because……if you don’t ask you’ll never know!