Road Traffic Accident
Our client was travelling at speed whilst riding on the back of a motorcycle when the motorbike collided with a parked vehicle. She was thrown from the motor bike, over a bridge and into a river below. She sustained significant multiple injuries including fractures to her leg, hip and partial paralysis to her right side.
In view of the extent and seriousness of the injuries it was necessary for us to instruct a whole range of medical experts. The case was therefore in a position to be accurately valued ensuring the client received compensation for every aspect of her injuries. We organised care reports, expert evidence from an architect to address the question of rehousing, as well as arranging for my client to be seen by a number of medical experts privately. These experts were able to provide advice and treatment as the case progressed and this helped my client with her ongoing disabilities and improved her overall quality of life.
The case was settled for a substantial sum.
Our Client’s Comments on this case:
“I have nothing but praise for Chris Carter who successfully handled my very serious personal injury claim. I am only too pleased to recommend him to any potential client. Chris had a sympathetic manner and always took the trouble to reassure me and explain things. He was efficient, reliable and kept the momentum going. I am grateful to him for all his hard work, his commitment and expertise which resulted in a series of improved offers leading to a very successful result.” Miss R, Stoke on Trent
Claim Bought Under The Fatal Accidents Act
Our client’s husband was tragically killed in a road traffic accident leaving her and her children without any source of income. We acted for the client as well as bringing dependency claims for her children. Liability was not straightforward and the defendant contested matters but we managed to obtain early interim payments to ease her and her family’s financial worries.
The claim was settled for the net amount of £195,000.
Accident At Work
Our client injured his eye whilst using defective welding equipment. The injury threatened my client’s eye sight and had far reaching effects in both physical and psychological terms. The medical evidence was complicated and the defendant’s tried to argue that my client’s psychological symptoms, which had prevented my client from returning to work, were unrelated to the accident.
The case was settled at the doors of the court for £150,000.
Accident Whilst Working At A Farm
In this accident at work my client was seriously injured when he was dragged into the body of a mechanical harvester whilst in the process of cleaning the machine.
He required a series of major operations and remained in hospital for several months. Thankfully he made an amazing recovery and although he will always live with the effects of the injury he is leading an active life.
The case settled for £185,000 after taking into account the deduction to reflect my client’s own proportion of blame for the accident.
Carter & Carter Solicitors
Hear a few words from one of our happy clients
“Ms Bates asked us to act for her when she was thrown from her seat when her bus driver was driving erratically. She told us: "Excellent service, would recommend to others. Very informative relating to stages of claim – helpful and friendly. Brilliant."
Ms Margaret Bates from Derby