Spinal Injury Claims

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Claiming spinal injury compensation

If you have suffered a spinal injury then we are very well placed to help you and we will do our utmost to secure you the treatment and support you need at such a difficult time.

The way forward?

We recognise that following a spinal injury there will be many aspects of your life that will need addressing and it’s important that your problems and concerns are dealt with. First and foremost paralysis will have massive life changing impact and consequences. It is so important to receive the best treatment and care coupled with a full needs assessment to ensure that every aspect of your spinal injury is catered for.  Leaving aside the very real medical challenges which lie ahead you are also likely to be confronted by a financial crisis particularly if you are unlikely to be able to get back to work in any capacity. It is the important task of your spinal injury claim solicitor to push forward and place the other side under pressure to make interim payments so that financial worries can recede and so you are able to concentrate upon the main priority of making as much progress as possible.

Contact us to discuss your spinal cord injury claim

You can be sure that if you contact us you will receive sympathetic and professional advice at a time you need it most. We know that spinal injury claims by their very nature are challenging but we are committed to helping you meet those challenges and provide you with constructive and clear advice without any cost to you.