Forklift Truck Accident Claims

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Forklift Truck Accident Claims can arise in all sorts of circumstances whether the accident happens at work or involves you as a visitor to the Defendant’s premises. Either way it is an unfortunate fact that any injuries are likely to be serious.



Forklift Truck Accident Claims – Rising Numbers of Accidents.

There’s no getting away from it, Forklift Truck Accident Claims are notorious for involving the most serious of injuries.

In fact, forklift trucks are officially the most dangerous work place transport in the Country.

The British Safety Council has reported that a staggering 25% of workplace transport injuries are directly linked to forklift accidents.

As many as 1300 UK employees are hospitalised every year with serious injuries.

This equates to 5 UK workers each and every day suffering serious and life changing injuries.

Furthermore the number of forkift truck accidents are rising.

It’s not surprising given the serious nature of the injuries that the victims involved pursue forklift accident claims.



Why so many Forklift Accidents?

Although there are strict laws, regulations and HSE guidance in place to prevent Forklift Accidents there are a whole host of reasons why these accidents are so common:

Forklift trucks often operate in confined spaces and in close proximity with other employees and members of the public. Collisions can and do occur;

Forklift driver error can often be a cause of accidents. It’s easy to see how not taking all reasonable care or a momentary lapse of concentration can have disastrous consequences;

On occasions the forklift truck safety equipment can fail;

There can be also be a failure to ensure the forklift truck driver has been properly trained;

Accidents can sometimes happen if the loads are not properly secured;

Forklift trucks can collide with objects that then fall from a height causing injury;

Potholes or defective surfaces can cause forklift trucks to overbalance or move off course without warning.

It’s easy to see how many different causes of accident there can be when operating a forklift truck.

If you have been injured by a forklift truck then very often you will be entitled to bring a claim. Infographic showing the main causes of Forklift Truck Accidents



Can You bring a Forklift Truck Accident Claim?

We recognise that sometimes it’s not straightforward to immediately know who is responsible for an accident. Often there can be a number of potential causes.

The best way to find out is to simply contact us so we can discuss the circumstances of your particular accident:

  • We will be able to advise you straight away whether your claim is likely to succeed;
  • In our experience it’s normally the case that someone who is injured by a forklift truck are likely to succeed with their claim;
  • It’s definitely worth you discussing what happened with us so we can advise you and help you accordingly;
  • It’s also important that you let us help you gather together all necessary evidence as soon as possible following your accident so that you have the best chance of succeeding with your claim.

Statistics show that more often than not it’s visitors or other employees as opposed to the forklift driver who are injured.

Usually these type of accidents happen to the public when the forklift truck is in the process of loading or unloading materials in a space where the public are allowed.

The forklift truck driver has some level of protection when sitting inside the cab.

But of course it is the driver who is operating the forklift truck and who can collide into objects and people if not taking sufficient care.



Who’s Responsible for Your Forklift Truck Accident?


Bringing a Claim if you were injured at work?

Your employer has a duty to make sure that where forklift trucks are in use they are:

properly serviced and maintained;

that the drivers receive the right training under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER).

It’s also important to note the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have laid down standard recommendations for the operation of forklift trucks in the workplace.

In practice it means that if there is an accident caused by a breach of Health and Safety law then even if the Forklift truck driver is directly responsible for the accident then the supervisor (and management) may also be implicated if they could have and should have picked up on the issue beforehand.

Either way a breach of the Health and Safety recommendations is going to give the injured party a cause of action against the employer.


Claiming Compensation as a Visitor or Member of the Public

If you are unlucky enough to suffer injuries from a forklift truck, you are entitled to make a claim for personal injury.

It may be that you have no idea who specifically was responsible for your accident. However, it’s safe to say you almost certainly will still be able to pursue a claim.

Of course we would be delighted to hear from you and will be able to advise you comprehensively about the best steps to take in terms of gathering evidence to support your claim and protecting your position.



How Much are Forklift Truck Accident Claims Worth?

Forklift accident claims need to be carefully assessed and looked at on a claim by claim basis.

Unfortunately this type of accident almost inevitably leads to very serious injuries and in turn significant compensation.

There are will be potentially a whole range of different heads of damages that you can claim arising out of this type of accident including damages for pain and suffering, loss of earnings and other financial losses.

Speak to us.

We will be delighted to advise you about the likely value of your claim and the various heads of loss that you can expect to recover as a result of your injuries.



100% No Win, No Fee – No Worries in pursuing Your Forklift Truck Accident Claim!

Client’s are understandably worried about the prospect of a legal bill if everything goes wrong.

  • However if you choose to instruct us then you will have no such concerns.
  • All our No Win No Fee agreements are backed with our 100% guarantee.
  • There will be no charge if the claim is lost (and this hardly ever happens!)

Talk to us now and we will help you win your claim on the best terms.