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With Carter & Carter, you always, always come first!

We know how important it is for you to feel you are properly looked after. Our company is fully committed to providing excellent client care by ensuring that you get answers to all your questions and that you are fully informed every step of the way. This means you will always know how your case is progressing and what action we are taking on your behalf to obtain your compensation.

Genuine No Win No Fee – we promise!

We guarantee that if you lose your claim you pay ABSOLUTELY NOTHING so you have nothing to lose by making a claim!

You’re dealing with professionals

If you’re making a claim, it’s absolutely crucial that you appoint a solicitor who has the right skills and experience. Unfortunately, too many clients don’t get the amount of compensation they could receive because they don’t appoint a claims solicitor with the right negotiating skills. Worse, many potential claimants don’t make a claim at all after being told, by a solicitor inexperienced in the field of compensation claims, that they have no chance of success.

Many legal firms employ junior solicitors to work on claims, meaning that clients often fail to get the level of service they deserve. When you work with Carter & Carter I guarantee that all the work on your case will be carried out by me personally. You will only ever deal with me direct.

We have 20 years of experience to draw upon and we are genuine specialists in the field of personal injury. We are members of the Law Society’s Personal Injury Panel, which means that the Law Society has accredited our company – and, in particular, has approved me – as having a high level of expertise and experience in the field of personal injury.

We’re always on hand to help

As a niche, client focused practice, we can work flexibly without the rigid structures and handling procedures that often exist within much larger firms. This means that we are accessible and available to respond personally to you.

Let us help you

If you think you might have a claim, contact us now – we would would be delighted to hear from you and to help you pursue your case – remember, we guarantee that if you lose your claim you pay ABSOLUTELY NOTHING so you have nothing to lose by making a claim!

In a nut shell:

We specialise in delighted clients who take away terrific results!