Home > Serious Injury Claims > Arm Injury Claims

Below is a list of differing injuries which range from the minor to the utmost severe:

  • Sprains and Strains
  • Simple fractures of the forearm
  • Below elbow amputation
  • Above elbow amputation
  • Arm amputated at the shoulder
  • Loss of one arm
  • Loss of both arms

Whatever level of injury you have suffered to your arm or arms it is essential that you seek the assistance of an experienced serious injury Solicitor who specialises in dealing with serious arm injury claims.

How much injured arm or broken arm compensation will I get?

The range of injured arm or broken arm compensation which you could be awarded for a serious injury to your arm varies hugely depending on a number of factors, a few of which are detailed below:

  • Is it a serious arm injury
  • Whether there has been a broken arm fracture
  • Whether there has been an arm amputation
  • Whether the arm amputation is above or below the elbow
  • Whether any additional arm joints have been lost
  • Whether a prosthetic arm can restore function
  • Whether the arm amputation was the dominant arm (the one you write with)
  • Whether there are any phantom arm pains (pains which occur in place of the missing limb)
  • Your age
  • The effect on work, domestic and social life

Whilst a simple arm fracture with a good and swift recovery will attract an award in the region of £4,750, the most serious arm injuries will attract injured arm or broken arm compensation of over £200,000 just for the arm injury alone.  Added to this figure is lost earnings, care needed for day to day living, DIY, transport issues, home modifications, etc, the list goes on.

What We Can Do To Help You Claim for Injured Or Broken Arm Compensation

We are arm injury compensation Solicitors and specialise in dealing with serious arm injury claims.   Whether you have been injured in an accident at work, a road traffic accident, a slipping accident or an assault, we will run your serious arm injury claim against the person or people responsible to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of serious injury and broken arm compensation.

The little things at the start of your arm injury claim are important so we will quickly arrange:

  • Medical examinations
  • Treatment
  • MRI scans
  • Home modifications
  • Care & Assistance
  • Occupational Therapists to determine potential lines of work if you cannot return to your old job
  • Interim payment to tide you over in case you are suffering financially due to your arm injury