Broken Ankle Compensation

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Broken Ankle Compensation

After a nasty injury which wasn’t your fault it’s common to wonder how much compensation your claim could be worth.

Broken ankles are notoriously painful and can be difficult to heal.

A bad fracture will always have a significant effect on your quality of life and mobility.


How much is Your Claim Worth?

The range of damages for Broken Ankle Compensation is extremely broad.

Much will depend upon the type of fracture sustained and the severity of any ongoing symptoms.

Compensation can vary from a modest injury claim of £4,590 where a complete recovery is achieved within a year.

Broken Ankle Compensation claims can be worth up to £53,800 for the most serious of injuries.

These injuries will involve permanent and serious mobility problems.

The compensation  is very much determined by any ongoing or long term symptoms.


Would you like our Help?

  • Whatever the severity of you injury we will be able to advise you in relation to the quantification of your Broken Ankle Compensation claim.
  • When valuing your claim we will consult the JSB (Judicial Studies Board) Guidelines and can access all the  very latest case law electronically to help refine the valuation.
  • This means that we can make sure that you receive the right level of compensation.
  • You also won’t have to worry about expensive legal fees as we operate a genuine No Win No Fee service.
  • Contact us now and we will be delighted to discuss your individual circumstances so that we can give you an indication in relation to the valuation for your claim.

Common Types of Ankle Accident Claims


Slips trips and Falls

Probably the most common way in which broken ankle accident injuries occur is when there has been a slip trip or fall in a public place.

We have acted for many clients over the years arising out of slipping accidents in shopping centres or when outside due to poor maintenance of pavements and or bad lighting.

If you have suffered a broken ankle arising out of a slipping or tripping accident that wasn’t your fault then you may well be able to claim compensation.

Contact us and we will be able to use all our experience to advise you on the prospects of success.


Road Traffic Accidents

Again it’s easy to see how injured ankles can occur when involved in a car accident or cycling accident as well as when motorcycling.

Whatever type of Road Accident Claim you have suffered we will be able to help you.

Rely on our expertise to make sure you get the best result,


Accidents in the Workplace

Badly run work places can be fraught with danger, if your broken ankle injury occured at work, then our accident at work lawyers are on hand to get you the compensation you deserve.

Ankles can get injured in the work place environment especially if there are loose trailing wires or cables.

In factories with heavy machinery crushing injuries can occur when feet get caught in machinery or when being run over by heavy objects.

Speak to one of our experienced personal injury solicitors so that you can receive expert advice on any aspect of your claim.


What Can You Claim For? – The Heads of loss

In addition to compensation for your pain and suffering (described above) there are various additional heads of loss that you can recover depending upon the nature and extent of your injury.

It will be for your solicitor to make sure that all the various losses are investigated and supported where possible with documentary evidence.

Here are some common heads of loss which we set out below:

  1. Loss of Earnings (Past as well as Future) this should include not only any shortfalls in your salary but any bonuses or any benefits you were due to receive;
  2. Travelling Expenses – you can claim back any travelling expenses that you have incurred arising out of the injury;
  3. Medical Expenses  – these can be extensive depending upon the severity of the injury but can include physiotherapy treatment and other rehabilitation treatment costs, prescriptions etc.
  4. Care – If you need paid help (or rely on friends and family for care) then a claim for care should submitted;
  5. Domestic Assistance – If  you require domestic assistance from friends or relatives for jobs at home that you would normally undertake then it’s possible to claim an amount to reflect this time.


No Win No Fee Broken Ankle Compensation

  • We recognise and understand that claiming compensation can be a stressful and worrying time.
  • It’s important that you can put your trust in your solicitor.
  • We want you to fee reassured that everything is being dealt with properly and with your best interests at heart.
  • For this reason we offer Client’s a No Win No Fee agreement which we know takes the pressure off our Clients.
  • Our No Win No Fee service enables our Clients to feel safe and secure.
  • You can be sure there will be no hidden charges or legal fees to pay.
  • Don’t worry there’ll be nothing for you to pay if  you don’t recover compensation.
  • Sit back and relax safe in knowledge that we will look after you all the way.


Call us for a No Obligation Chat and to Start Your Claim

If you are looking for a no hassle and friendly service then look no further.

Our Solicitors are all specialists in the field of personal injury and have years and years of experience.

We can help you take the first step in making a successful claim and remember there’ll be no upfront costs!