Needle Stick Injury Compensation Claim

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Needle Stick Injury Compensation Claim

Where and How?

Injuries of this sort can happen in any environment but this particular case involved a client whose job was to clean toilets in a secure unit akin to a prison. As our client picked up a waste bag which was in the toilet area she sustained a needle stick injury. The claim was brought essentially on the basis that the employer had failed to ensure that a there was a safe and proper system of work and that they failed to ensure that the needle in question was disposed of in a safe and secure way.

Making a Stand against the Defendant.

The Defendant insurer initially resisted the claim on the grounds that the defendant had done everything possible to ensure the safety of our client but it was necessary to issue a court application as the Defendant had failed to disclose all the documentation we were seeking in terms of the needle stick injury claim. After making the appropriate application to the court the Defendant’s insurers finally disclosed the documents and maintained their stance. We progressed with the claim regardless and it was not long before an acceptable offer of compensation was put forward.

Concluding Remarks re Needle Stick Injury Cases

Chris Carter of  Carter & Carter Solicitors who handled the claim said:

“Needle stick injuries can be very serious and can have long lasting effects both psychologically and indeed physically if the needle stick is carrying some sort of disease which is passed on. When dealing with these types of claims we are acutely aware of the sensitive issues that these claims can raise and we pride ourselves (as with all our claims) in dealing with matters in a very understanding and sympathetic way.”


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