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How do you choose an Accident Claims Solicitor in England and Wales?

If you have been involved in an accident in England and Wales, how do you choose an Accident Claims Solicitor that will ensure that you have the best chances of pursuing a successful accident claim? I have provided this article to ensure that you can ask the right questions to see who is best placed to help you with your accident claim.

Expertise in Accident Claims

You need to be sure that the Solicitor you are contacting really does have expertise in the field of accident claims. This can be assessed initially by reviewing the Solicitor’s website before making contact. You should be looking for the following signs of expertise:-

  • A specialist accident claims website. If your Solicitor has incurred the expense of developing an exclusive accident claims website, and taken the time to provide the content for this website, this is a good starting point for showing that this area of law is important to their business. They would be unlikely to take such action if accident claims was only a small part of their legal practice.
  • Do they have a relatively large website? Many people will put up a one or two page website claiming expertise in accident claims. However, this can only really be proven by a Solicitor that has gone to the time and effort to produce a website with at least fifteen or more pages of content. This shows that they are likely to have the experience and expertise you need.

Do they have expertise in a number of areas of accident claims?

The following areas should be covered by your Solicitor to ensure they have a broad depth of understanding of accident claims:-

  • Work accident claims, road accidents, motorcycle accidents, cycling accident claims.
  • Serious injury claims (head and back injuries).
  • They offer a service covering England and Wales.

Expertise is more important than a local geography in choosing a Personal Injury Solicitor these days. If a Solicitor claims that they can help you wherever you are in England and Wales they have normally put in place systems and assistance to ensure that they can do so.

Are you dealing with a real or virtual law firm?

If you have suffered an injury as a result of an accident, you need a Claims Solicitor that is a proven professional in their field. You should be able to find out quickly who will handle your claim. Ideally this should be a qualified Personal Injury Solicitor as opposed to a junior accident claims handler.

Do they make it clear from their website who will handle your claim for you?

Ease of Contact

It should be easy for you to make contact with the Accident Claims Solicitor to make your enquiry. You should be able to make a free enquiry without any obligation to proceed. Is this clearly stated to be the case from the website? Is there an easily visible telephone number or an easy to complete claim form on the website? These points should be covered to ensure that you are dealing with the right Accident Claims Solicitor.

How Much?

The next point you must ensure is that you are dealing with an Accident Claims Solicitor that ensures that you will keep 100% of your compensation and will not charge you if your claim is not successful.

If you are dealing with a specialist, they will usually offer a completely safe and easy to understand guarantee regarding their costs on their website. If they do not, what are they hiding?


It should be easy to find an Accident Claims Solicitor on the Internet these days that has expertise and offers a no win no fee or guaranteed no cost service. Take the time to review a few websites using the questions above and you should finally find a Solicitor that will take good care of you.